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Board Resolutions April 12, 2018

Engagement of Cyberint as CID Provider

[passster password=”BAPCID”] Resolution No. 2018-05


RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Bankers Association of the Philippines (BAP) authorizes the engagement of Cyberint as BAP Cybersecurity Incident Database (BAP CID) Provider, through BAP’s subsidiary BAP Credit Bureau, Inc. (BAP CB); 


RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Board appoints BAP CB as the operator of the BAP CID;


RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Board authorizes the delegation of CID’s governance to the BAP Cybersecurity Committee; 


RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Board authorizes BAP CB to utilize the appropriated PhP5,000,000.00 budget for BAP Cybersecurity projects to organize the BAP CID, subject to appropriate rules and regulations, and to charge appropriate service fees on subscriber banks starting the second year onwards; 


RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Board authorizes the annual assessment of BAP and its members of a mandatory CID participation fee, for the total amount of PhP8,200,000.00 shared equally among BAP and its members; 


RESOLVED, FINALLY, that the Board authorizes the participation of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas as user of the BAP CID.”
